It's been 12 long, tiring days since I last updated. Lack of updates, yeah, yeah, I know. Like what Chrystal once mentioned in one of her blog entries, "Hectic days, hectic lives." Well, if you thought I was free everyday, THINK AGAIN. I stay about 22 km away from school, waking up with the help of a wake up call, at 6am, to be in school by 7am. My parents send me to school, I never had to courage to even attempt to fly. Which means, I take one and a half hours to reach home. SEE, I TOLD YOU I WAS ANNE ALMIGHTY. But no, it's by God's grace that I survive (:
For weeks, Alicia and I have been reminding each other of the PBL Webquest. The reminders finally worked. Yeah, sure. The day before the due date. Awesome, aren't we? Struggling, well, duh. But at least I hadfun. All of you are allowed to diss me for these few seconds. I don't know, but I don't feel that stressed, just slightly. I must have become numb to stress with all the stress that I got for Teachers' Day. I must say, I'm truly grateful to those who helped :)
The whole week was intense preperation for Teachers' Day. Rehearsals almost every single day, in fact every day. Ex-co leaving school just a few minutes before or after 8 pm. And then the day came, and Ex-co had to be there by 6a.m sharp. And because of that, I had a funny conversation with my Dad.
Anne: I need to be in school by 6 tomorrow ah.
Dad:6?! Why do you have to be there so early?
Anne: Because of Teachers' Day.
Dad: And what time do you wake for Fathers' Day? 12 noon.
Anne: What the heck? HAHAHA.
Dad: So how, you want to go to school now?
And that was like 9.30 p.m. BOOO.
Teachers' Day is finally over, just like, snap. Next up, post-mortem on Teachers' Day. I thought it was a total failure, until I heard comments, that it was excellent, and they loved it and all. It kinda made me feel better, but no one got the drama skit because of the mics. Ah well. Mr Roland bought Egg McMuffin for us, for breakfast :D Anyway, back to Teachers' Day. I think I went nuts. It was like running 2.4 please. One minute, you see me in the hall, then the parade square, then the music room, then in class, then back to the music room, then to the toilet, then backstage, then at the balcony, then the hall, then back to the music room, then the balcony, then backstage, then the foyer, then on the red carpet, then on stage, then at the back of the hall, then picking up litter. Oh gosh.
After everything, went off to Cartel with Chrystal, although I was supposed to be having lunch with Caroline and some of her friends. But I still had to do this and that, ah so forget it. Cartel with Chrystal was funny shit please. We had pasta, and it had clams, and it had a hole after pulling it off it's shell. And we tried peering through it, and Chrystal's head is just too big, and she has to move back, but she couldn't just to let me see her head. Took pictures, post them next time. Then hopped over to Haagen Daz, and I had Summer Berries, and we stood outside figuring how to get to our destinations in the rain without getting wet. Sounds impossible, but I had this weird theory, that we won't get wet at all. So we aimed not to get wet at all.
Anne: You know what, we won't get wet at all. We're wearing Dri-fit Dry fit). Our Ex-co shirt is Dri-fit. Wait, but your skirt. My FBT's seems to be dri-fit.
Chrystal: Heh, I've FBT's inside. And our crumplers, are water resistant! Let's go.
Anne: Wait la. Think of something better first, and besides, I'm not done with my ice-cream. {looks up, because water was leaking from roof} Uhhh.
Anne and Chrystal: LOL! {Anne runs off to Marie France Bodyline advertistment}
Chrystal: You seem to be treating Christie Cheng as your comforter. Everytime you laugh, you go towards her, and you stop laughing.
Anne: HAHA. Okay. Done with ice cream.
Chrystal: OH. Our shoes are not waterproof.
Anne: Die. Mine has a hole. A hole as big as a full stop.
Chrystal: HAHAHAHA.
And we ran off to where we were suppose to go. How silly, but funny shit.
I've uber proud of 3.6 to have been able to collect a total of 6.18 metres of newspaper. And we did it all for MRS HENG. Everyone emphasized to Mrs Heng that we did it for her, and only her. Everyone also said that if it was Mdm Sim who made us bring, we would not even bother bringing anything, please. Mrs Heng is everyone's dream teacher. Well, at least mine. I shall not even mention the teacher of my nightmare. I guess it goes without even mentioning. Go Mrs Heng, Go 3.6. I'll pray so hard, I want Mrs Heng as my form teacher.
Childhood Lovers;
I guess it's been almost a week huh? Well, this week has been quite happening, in terms of personal stuff. Aha, but wait, there's some stuff that I mustmustmust update about. It's so funny, your toes might laugh. Fine, at least they are to me.
01. Eraser Catapult.
I wish RJ and I had catapults for our Eraser Catapults. We've been throwing small tiny erasers at people, you should see their shock face when they see something tiny fling pass them and not know what they are. HAHA. We've got a favourite target, and I think the eraser went into her ear. OOPS.
02. Michelle Koh and Sonia Chew
Those two googoos in front of Rujing and me, are simply simply hilarious. No, not because of their jokes. Because they are sooo paranoid. They think RJ and I pasted Post-its on them, because when RJ and I laugh all of a sudden, something is wrong, definitely wrong. Fine, these two aren't that funny. But they will start touching their backs!
03. Nothing beats yesterday's PE lesson.
OH MY GOSH LA! We're off NS yesterday because our class had 17 Golds for NAPFA, or perhaps he read my blog? Heh, I mean, he has been to some of his students' blogs. Supposedly Amanda Chan's and maybe RJ's. I don't see why anyone else is not a possible victim. But anyhow, Rachael, Weelyn, RuJing, Michelle Koh, Clarissa and me played Kiddish games like, MONKEY, DUCK DUCK GOOSE, WHAT IS THE TIME MR WOLF?, and AEIOU. I was always caught for Duck Duck Goose because they claimed they touched my leg. Haha. And then for What is the time Mr Wolf, I could have died laughing please.
ANNE: {insert time I said here}
ANNE: {insert time I said here}
ANNE: { turns back, and only turning back}
Them: {Runs away} AHHHHHH!
I didn't even say Dinner Time please. A second time by RJ.
Us: What is the time Mr Wolf?
RJ: {insert time she said here}
Us: What is the time Mr Wolf?
RJ: {insert time she said here}
Us: What is the time Mr Wolf?
RJ: {turns back slightly} UMM, what am I supposed to do?
Anne: {drops down and laughing her ass off}
The Rest: {Runs away} AHHHHHHH!
RJ: Runs after THEM.
Anne: {laughs a lot a lot more} WTH?! I'm like sitting here, laughing my ass off, and you can catch me so easily, and you had to run after them?!
Hohoho, I was about to post pictures of my brother. But I guess not. I'm too lazy. Heh. Soon, I guess, when I have a lot, and I mean A LOT.
Childhood Lovers;
01. A visit to the dentist. Well, I was so nervous la. But now, my teeth is a-okay. No extractions, unless, it continues to hurt. But it hurts no more (: 3 filled molars. Thank God, 2 of them are on the upper set, which means, no one can really see it, but the one in the lower set is so small, I can barely see it. But I had to get it filled to prevent it from getting bigger. It was so pain last night, I could just die. It was like, the usual pain I get whenever I eat, and something gets stuck there. I mean, I think I was suppose to feel that, because the filling is stuck there.
02. Soccer with the Family (:
We played soccer this morning. YES, I play soccer. Well, it wasn't with scores and all, but it was the kids and what my brother prefers me to be calling myself, a teenager against my parents. And guess who won, THE KIDDOs + 1 TEEN. But I think we only won, because we were just playing on grassland, not a proper court, and we had walls as our goal posts. Apparently, my parents didn't have a goal post, but we did. He didn't have one, because we forbade him to. So all they could do was block our, 3-metre long goal post. HAWHAW. So duh, we won la. But my brother, Justin scored the MOST goals, to think he's the youngest. He's the man! Kevin, could have scored the most, but my father always managed to block most of them. But he's good anyway. As for me, oh me oh my, IT WASN'T THAT BAD LA. I scored quite a number as well, but I think I was better off cheering for my two brothers. But aye, I taught them how to kick the ball okay, which I learnt in school. I had to emphasize that it was my former PE teacher who taught me. I'm now serving NS, every Thursday and Friday, for half an hour. The General(if that's what it's called) , is Sir Jason Lin, apparently. But anyways, soccer with my family was fun.

JUSTIN'S THE MAN! EEW, my face is like oily because of the perspiration during soccer. Oh my, my brother's damn SIZZLINGHOT la.

OOH YEAH! Sorry girls, he's taken!
I bet everyone's wishing they have a HOTHOTHOT brother just like mine now :D
03. Study plans :D
I think I should take up Maxine's idea which is mentioned in her blog, about pasting stuff I need to memorise all around my room. In fact, I think I'm going to laminate History and Social Studies notes so that I can paste them on the glass of my shower area, so that I can read and bathe, and guess what, AT THE SAME TIME! Well, but I don't want the glass all sticky, and I have to take them out whenever my maid cleans the toilet, so it may be a bit of a hassle. Oh well.
Childhood Lovers;
I think life's getting pretty interesting. Okay, not that life was never interesting, and it's such a great thing, that there are some changes. It's just that, everything is moving so quickly, it's amazing how people can catch up, maintain their pace, or just pathetically fall behind. Time and Faith are the challenges here. It's not whether you're strong physically, emotionally, or intellectually, but whether you have the time and Faith. This leads to me emphasizing my hatred towards countdowns. I can't wait for so many things to happen but at the same time I don't want to rush time. Because as I rush time, some things that I don't really want to happen so soon would come along. Rahhhh. So right now, I don't care whether the holidays are near or not, because I'm afraid of losing someone when it comes ): BOOOO. I feel so badly affected of losing some people when certain days come. I'm afraid of never seeing them again, I'm afraid, we'd drift, I'm afraid we'd forget. Yeahyeah, it's true that if she/he is my true friend, those days would never come. Then why am I so paranoid? Is it my Faith? Is it me? I think it's me, I'm the one who is patheticalling falling behind. And man, that's sucks. I hate being slow in realising things.
It's hard to believe
That I couldn't see
You were always there beside me
Thought I was alone
With no one to hold
But you were always right beside me
This feeling's like no other
I want you to know
I've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone as good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for
I didn't think that it was too late to realise it at the beginning of this year, but I realise how late it is, and that sucks, a lot. RAHHH. I hope it's not just me.
Childhood Lovers;
I thought I had truckloads of fun today. And I actually brought part of my work to do during sports carnival because I thought I would die of boredom although I was looking forward to it. I thought it was a day when I could finally be more laidback, and just enjoy. And I did, I really enjoyed sports carnival, although I know a lot of people were not very enthusiatic about it. I guess I just had a different perspective. Heh.
Anyway, Human Wheel was a very unglamourous game, but I couldn't really care much for that few minutes. To think that with a last minute formed team, we came in
FIRST. And to think people like NatKoh think we are a bimbotic class. Hurrhurr. I was really amazed by the way our class like wheeled at the beginning, because it was so fast! I mean,
I we thought we'd come in last. Surprise, surprise. OKAY, that whole paragraph was a total ego booster la. Who thought bimbos can't play unglam games? Okay, fine, I don't think anyone did.
After Sports Carnival was fun too, and we had Subway! Okay, it was fun although I was the victim one time too many. Because we saw Michelle Koh, Sharron, and Elite. And I was saying bye to Michelle Koh, and I don't know what came into me, and I just went, "Bad Girl! RAHHH" And I stuck my tongue out. And Elizabeth never stopped teasing me about that. Dung, I shouldn't have done that la. Next, after going to the supermarket, after buying some groceries for some cheerleading stuff for her church. And then, on the way to the
toilet Ladies, we were talking about some stuff, and then this little girl trips and fall, and i went, "AHH." No, I didn't scream. It was just a 2-second AHH? And then there, I got teased. I mean, I was shocked because she was just walking and she trips?! Okay, fine. Rather dramatic, but I don't know. Ah well.
Childhood Lovers;
I'm not very sure what my mood's like right now. It's a mixture of excitement, and ecstasy, but with a tinge of anger, and a pinch of dilemma. I doubt it's mood swings, probably because a lot of things are running in my head.
I'm beginning to worry about End-Year-Exam la. Nothing seems to be motivating me to actually sit down and study. I was thinking of having a deal with my mom, but I haven't thought of what I actually want. I was aiming for an improvement for a grade or two for each subject, and then get cash or a special something, that I really really want. But then again, I would be studying for all the wrong reasons. Ah well, I don't know. Okay fine, maybe the whole point is because I have a super long shopping list, and want most of it, so I'm really hoping for a National Day Present, and perhaps a Children's Day Present, how about a Weekend present.
Shut up, Anne, you're asking for too much.I hate it when my guilty conscience comes in. I'm feeling guilty because of greed. What the hell, you might think? But I mean, I hate, and I mean, HATE. I hate seeing my parents come home all haggered after a hard day's work, and all I can ever say is, "Can I have this, can I have that?" I mean, I don't think our parents work all day long, to give us what we WANT, but to give us what we need. And plus, they sacrifice sleep every morning to send me to a school which is about 24 km away from home, by 7a.m. RAHHHH. And to think I actually want a credit card? Oh, the irony.
A recipe of My mood.1/2 cup of guilt.
1/8 cup of excitement and ecstasy.
1/16 cup of regret.
1/16 cup of anger,
1/16 cup of annoyance.
3/16 cup of gratitude.
Childhood Lovers;
I don't think I'm in the right mind to think, because I'm pissed, and things just don't get into my pea-sized brain when I'm pissed. But, all thanks to Huang Chi, I finally straighten out my thoughts. She's great, she knocked sense into me. I think whoever can knock sense into me is great. Heh. And Caroline seems rather tough about *#($#.
The thing is, one month and I died. Because some things had hit me so hard. The pain of losing oppurtunities suck. The thought of giving away free points because they get the credit for what I do. The blame you get because people don't check their phone for important messages. In
simpler other words, &@ ^&$, *#($#.
PE this week could have been almost considered fatal. I mean, it's darn tiring singing the school song and running three damn rounds around the school field. Circuit running for PE today. Oh, give me a break. Ah well, Dibleydoo's leaving soon anyway. Poor RuJing. Call Audrey a weird glorious clumsy
faller, but Audrey fell down in the weirdest way anyone could ever fall. Well, her reaction was like weird. I mean, usually, when people fall, they sit up almost IMMEDIATALEY, and check where it hurts, and then laugh like HOURS after falling. BUT, for Audrey Liaw's case, she, tripped, slid front a little, she rolled a little to her right, and then rolled a little to her left, sat up, and laughed within SECONDS after falling. And for Friday's P.E, RuJing, was embarrassed, because of me. HAWHAW. I pasted a post it on her back. And people started laughing at her. Michelle Lee almost told her, but she decided not to somewhat. And then people who were walking behind her, were laughing so loudly. And according to Rujing, Michelle Koh, and Sonia Chew, when people behind you start laughing, worse still, ANNE is laughing so hard, it means, that there is a post it on your back. HAHA, what the heck.
O LEVEL Biology Practical last Wednesday screwed up big time. I had no idea what I was doing. My sucrose solution didn't really move much, and when i tried to move the visking tubing , the sucrose moved, so yeah, DIE DIE DIE. But aiya, there's nothing I can do know right, except try harder for other segments.
Mom took me out to shop today. Well, was I deprieved. I was shopping quite a fair bit. I want to buy a bag, but I haven't found any nice once la, so yeah. I have even thought of a reason to tell my Mom when I have found a bag, I'll say, "Where's my NATIONAL DAY PRESENT?" Okay, righttt. Maybe not. Oh well.
Okay, off to HIT THE BOOKS. YEAH, HIT THE BOOKS. END-YEAR-EXAMS are in soon! I'm kinda worried about Biology, because for the past eight months, I've only understood the content page so far, without her help. I did it all by myself la.
Childhood Lovers;